
reach for the stars with astro spaceheads

Astro Spaceheads: Uniting the Universe Through NFT Innovation!”

keep your eyes on for the upcoming mint starting 6th May 2024 .

NFT masterpiece blending art and decentralized finance
NFT-backed credit: unlocking value in digital assets

What is astro spaceheads nft?

Welcome to AstroSpaceheads.com, your gateway to the world of digital assets. Explore our membership NFT and delve into three unique minor collections, alongside our prestigious bluechips NFT collection. Unlock opportunities for lending, borrowing, staking, and investing, all within the realm of digital art and collectibles. Join us on a journey of innovation and opportunity in the digital asset space. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Astro Brand Developers ?

We are three passionate individuals and social warriors who who have been working and are pleased to  present a revolutionary business  for the world’s first Decentralized Autonomous Community (DAC)with our  Stable Coin & Token, which will power an innovative E-commerce Blockchain Marketplace and investment . Our vision is to establish a global digital portal that leverages blockchain technology to enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in the e-commerce, payments, and finance industries.

By utilizing a dual-coin and token system, our platform aims to reduce fees for merchants and consumers, increase liquidity, and provide investment voting rights to coin and token holders. Additionally, we will offer verification as a service to enhance trust and credibility within the marketplace. Our primary focus is to enable global shopping experiences without the need for traditional credit card transactions.

What’s an NFT ?

NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, is a digital asset stored on a blockchain. It represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item or piece of content. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, NFTs are not interchangeable or mutually interchangeable, meaning each one is distinct and cannot be replicated. They enable creators to tokenize their digital works, including art, music, videos, and collectibles, allowing for ownership verification and provenance tracking. NFTs have gained popularity in the art world and beyond, offering new avenues for creators to monetize their creations and for collectors to invest in digital assets.

Why Crystal Forms ?

malesuada ex eget est placerat, placerat facilisis lorem laoreet. Morbi condimentum turpis nec velit dictum, non pharetra metus ullamcorper. Praesent ac metus luctus, vulputate felis id, feugiat magna. Ut dignissim et metus a tempus. Sed viverra tempor metus. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla sed mattis ante. bibendum eu nisi non euismod. Morbi eget mauris.

What exactly will i get ?

et sapien tempor porta nec efficitur turpis. Nulla molestie massa mollis, tristique libero pellentesque, porta tortor. Aenean fringilla fermentum faucibus. Quisque ut est et neque viverra fermentum. Sed lectus quam, lacinia vel iaculis in, elementum in ligula. Aenean dapibus turpis arcu, eget lacinia libero fermentum non. Quisque pellentesque lorem vitae.

Join our community

Joining our community is like strapping yourself into a rocket ship bound for the stars. Whether you’re a seasoned astronomer or just starting to explore the wonders of space, there’s a place for you here. So follow us on social media and become part of a progressive Community.